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Your home for practical insights on the latest trends impacting your people from industry experts. Whether you’re a team of five or leading a national organization, we’ll help you make smart decisions for your organization and create a great workplace for your people.

Articles Related to Human Resources

Leveraging provincial health care and group benefits plans for comprehensive preventative care

“Does my provincial health care plan cover that?” Raise a hand if you’re in HR and have heard that...

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(3 minute read)

Navigating the talent management tightrope in a competitive talent landscape

Talent management looks quite different in 2024 than it did even just a decade ago.

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(3 minute read)

2 ways to ensure your people know what benefits they have

Creating a comprehensive benefits package that your employees will love is a significant...

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(3 minute read)

Supporting employee work-life balance during changing economic times

As the business climate navigates rough waters of downsizing and layoffs with a backdrop of rising...

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(3 minute read)

Three key considerations when creating a workplace vaccination policy.

There’s an increasing number of organizations considering the implementation of a vaccination policy for their staff.

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(5 minute read)

How to retain your talent through the Great Resignation

Many are choosing to leave their current organizations and seek jobs for improved compensation, better work-life balance, or an overall better culture.

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The retirement transition: Five key steps to supporting your team

Employers can make a difference in the lives of their employees by helping them prepare for their transition to retirement.

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(7 minute read)

The post-pandemic office: A look at the hybrid work model

As we move toward some sense of normalcy – the question on everyone’s mind is whether we’ll return...

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(2 minute read)

New Normal Considerations for Returning to the Office

March 2020 sent a shockwave around the globe. Like death and taxes, school and work had until that...

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(5 minute read)